Overflow crowd at a Scott Brown rally in Worcester spilled out into street
In a new Public Policy Polling survey, Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley by five points, 51-46. Brown is beating Coakley by a two to one margin among independents. PPP's last poll a week ago had Brown up by only 1%.
Another poll from Pajamas Media by CrossTarget has Brown ahead by a whopping 9.6% among likely voters. As I pointed out here, Pajamas Media is an online conservative outlet, so some might want to take its results with a grain of salt.
Maybe not, though, since a survey by another independent pollster, Merriman River Group is out with the exact same result as PJ/CrossTarget: Brown leads by 9.6%.
Internal Democratic campaign polls must be showing similarly dismal results for Coakley, because CNN is reporting that "multiple advisers to President Obama have privately told party officials that they believe Democrat Martha Coakley is going to lose." Can't get more pessimistic than that.
Like I said on Friday, Brown is winning this thing. Martha Coakley is toast.
RELATED -- Lots of good pro-Brown blogging here, here and here.
UPDATE 1/18 -- And another! American Research Group's final poll out today puts Brown 7 points ahead of Coakley, 52-45. That's a big jump up for Brown from ARG's last poll taken less than a week ago when he led 48-45. Brown is taking two thirds of independentd, 97% of Republicans and crucially, nearly a quarter of Democrats.
What's your take on Tuesday? Post a comment.
In a new Public Policy Polling survey, Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley by five points, 51-46. Brown is beating Coakley by a two to one margin among independents. PPP's last poll a week ago had Brown up by only 1%.
Another poll from Pajamas Media by CrossTarget has Brown ahead by a whopping 9.6% among likely voters. As I pointed out here, Pajamas Media is an online conservative outlet, so some might want to take its results with a grain of salt.
Maybe not, though, since a survey by another independent pollster, Merriman River Group is out with the exact same result as PJ/CrossTarget: Brown leads by 9.6%.
Internal Democratic campaign polls must be showing similarly dismal results for Coakley, because CNN is reporting that "multiple advisers to President Obama have privately told party officials that they believe Democrat Martha Coakley is going to lose." Can't get more pessimistic than that.
Like I said on Friday, Brown is winning this thing. Martha Coakley is toast.
RELATED -- Lots of good pro-Brown blogging here, here and here.
UPDATE 1/18 -- And another! American Research Group's final poll out today puts Brown 7 points ahead of Coakley, 52-45. That's a big jump up for Brown from ARG's last poll taken less than a week ago when he led 48-45. Brown is taking two thirds of independentd, 97% of Republicans and crucially, nearly a quarter of Democrats.
What's your take on Tuesday? Post a comment.
He's got Bromentum!